Malaysia Fashion Week 2016

11:55:00 PM

I got to attend Malaysia Fashion Week, something that has been on my bucket list for a while. Maybe next up will be Paris Fashion week 😁

Malaysia Fashion week is an annual event held at MATRADE and organized by STYLO International. Out of the four day event only managed to attend the opening and one other day.
Full on activities were happening with exhibitions showcasing different designers and their designs from the multi-cultural Malaysia.

But off course the highlight for me was watching the runway showcases. All designs I saw were unique and exquisite in their own way. As a first timer looking at these intriguing design, it’s hard to describe or choose a favorite so you can have a look at some of designs I managed to capture and choose your favorite. And make sure to scroll to the end the see the video highlights!

Designer - Pham Dang Anh Thu

This showcase with the designer of the above picture, I unfortunately did not see on the runway; But I was lucky enough to be passing by the entrance when the show had ended and one of the models was outside getting some media pictures and l joined in like paparazzi because that dress is angelic.

To see all the other runway shows, I will post a highlights video as soon as I get my video editing skills on check 😄😄

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